Protein Overnight Chia Oats Smoothie Bowl

I’ve clearly been slacking on posting recipes on here lately. This is for two reasons. 1 – I recently got Netflix so at night my computer is plugged into my TV and unavailable for typing up my delicious recipes. 2 – since I’ve started my new workout program/high protein diet, I’ve been starting from scratch with my recipes and it’s taken me a while to get them perfect! Plus I’ve been eating extremely boring lately. Lots of chicken, broccoli and avocado. Not that I’m complaining…I do love that meal and could eat it for lunch and dinner everyday :) top with some salsa and I’m a happy little blonde!

This overnight proats (protein oats) recipe is a definite keeper!! My go-to breakfast I eat every single morning without fail. The base of overnight oats stays the same, but I switch up the fruit, protein powder flavour, spices and toppings to keep it interesting. This is just the basic recipe! So get experimenting and let me know what creations you come up with :)
IMG_3861Makes 1 serving    Total Time: 10 minutes

Macros: 319 calories, 33g protein, 33g carbs, 6g fat

Ingredients for Overnight Oats

  1. 3 tbsp rolled oats
  2. 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
  3. 2 tbsp almond milk
  4. 2 tbsp water
  5. 1 tsp cinnamon
  6. 1 tbsp vanilla extract

Ingredients for Smoothie

  1. 1/2 cup egg whites
  2. 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder
  3. 1/8 cup almond milk
  4. 1/2 frozen banana
  5. 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
  6. 1/2 cup spinach (optional)
  7. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  8. 1 tsp cinnamon
  9. 1/2 tbsp ground flax seeds (optional)


  1. To make the oats, combine all the overnight oats ingredients in a tupperwear and leave in the fridge overnight. If you want to speed up the process in the morning, also cook up the egg whites in a bowl in the microwave for 1:45. Place in the fridge overnight.
  2. In the morning, combine the already cooked up egg whites and the rest of the smoothie ingredients (except the blueberries) in a blender. Pulse until combined.
  3. In a cute little bowl, pour the smoothie over top of the overnight oats, and top with the frozen blueberries. YUM!
